Friday, October 24, 2008

NaBloPoMo, the ants go martcing, napodpomo

i joined NaBloPoMo cuz i dident want to join napodpomo so i joined NaBloPoMo so next month is november witch the topic is the us election so i live in canada i will be doing youtube videos on the elction and i will talk about my thoughts on the election and stuff like that or photobucket pictures and stuff like that, so i look forward to doing that,

so i posted a minute ago a video from
i posted it cuz it made me laugh out loaud and since i got the day off i wiill be farting around on the interweb

i will be listening to Jens napodpomo posts
shawnos posts
erks posts
drews posts
orenge tims post
and i forget the other one from erkpod

till next time

1 comment:

Shawn said...

If you blog every day about our podcasts, then you will indeed succeed at NaBloPoMo.